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Meet Luna


Little bit about Luna, the Rescuoodle

Hi there! My name is Luna, and I'm a playful little kitten with a stunning Blue Cream Tortoiseshell coat that always seems to catch everyone's eye. Despite being small, I've got a lot of energy and love to spend my days exploring every nook and cranny of my home.

Now, I do have a couple of medical issues that might sound a bit daunting, but trust me, I'm still a bundle of joy! You see, I have something called Feline Corneal Hydrops. It might sound fancy, but basically, it just means my eyes need a bit more care and attention. But hey, it doesn't stop me from chasing after those toy mice or climbing up the curtains when I'm feeling adventurous!

Oh, and did I mention I've had a bout of cat flu? Yeah, it's not the most fun thing to deal with, but I've been keeping warm and cozy indoors, which is where I'm supposed to be anyway. My human takes great care of me, making sure I have everything I need to get better. And speaking of being taken care of, I've also been treated for conjunctivitis. But don't worry, I'm all good now! No more watery eyes for this little kitty.

Luna’s Information

Animal ID: 602244

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Age: 9 Months

Sex: Female

Size: Medium

Type: Kitten

Colour: Blue Cream Tortoiseshell

RON: R251000223

Health Check




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