RSPCA Ranks First in YouGov Charity Rankings!

RSPCA Ranks First in YouGov Charity Rankings for Third Year in a Row!

This ranking is based on the Donor Consideration Score, a score that measures the likelihood of a charity receiving a donation tomorrow, in which RSPCA scored 31.4.

Being a trusted 150-year-old charity, we’re extremely proud of this achievement which reflects our dedication and commitment to animal welfare. We are grateful and honoured to be able to continue to advocate for the care and protection of vulnerable animals.


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As a not-for-profit organisation, we appreciate and value all our incredible volunteers, donors and supporters who are vital to the work we continue to do. RSPCA sees thousands of animals each year turn to us in need of rehoming, veterinary care and rehabilitation services. Our organisation is committed to giving our furry friends a voice through education, awareness and advocacy to raise present and future generations with kindness, empathy and love towards animals.

We want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your generosity in supporting critical animal welfare programs. We appreciate you, and more importantly, so do all our creatures, great and small.