Inspectorate Update – Bruce the Dog

RSPCA NSW is aware of images of a dog named Bruce that are circulating online in Facebook groups, community notice boards and a petition on  

It is essential to clarify the following: 

  • On 11 July 2023, RSPCA NSW Inspectors attended Bruce’s owners’ property in relation to welfare concerns. Bruce had access to clean water and was not tethered, however did present as underweight. Bruce’s owner explained that he had reduced the dog’s food intake under the guidance of his veterinarian. Our Inspector educated the owner about increasing Bruce’s food intake so that he could resume a healthy body condition. 
  • Since this initial visit, Inspectors have attended Bruce’s owners’ property a further six times. This includes as recently as Sunday 16 June and yesterday, Monday 17 June 2024.  
  • During each of these visits, Bruce has been found in good body condition, free roaming, with access to food, water and indoor and outdoor access.  
  • Over the course of many months, our Inspectors have provided ongoing practical support regarding dog ownership, including resources, advice, education and solutions to Bruce’s owners, who have been very cooperative.  

The images circulating online are not reflective of Bruce’s current body condition or welfare.  

We understand everyone has their own view of responsible pet ownership, and our role is to ensure that all interactions with animals comply with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1979. It is important to note that tethering an animal for short periods of time is not an offence under the Act.  

RSPCA NSW would like to make it clear that we do not support vigilantism by any means and are deeply concerned after being notified last night that someone has taken Bruce from his home. We understand that as a society we are very passionate about our animals and their welfare, and we value this as an animal-loving community. However, we do not under any circumstances condone social media harassment, doxing, or stealing someone’s pet. 

If you are in possession of Bruce, please drop him off immediately at your nearest NSW Police station. Bruce’s welfare is our main priority.  

As this is now a matter for NSW Police, if you have any information about Bruce’s whereabouts, please contact them directly. 




RSPCA NSW would like to update the community on Bruce the dog. After being stolen from his home, RSPCA NSW Inspectors received information on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, regarding his whereabouts up north, over an hour away from his home in Sydney. RSPCA NSW Inspectors, along with NSW Police, made arrangements to pick up Bruce and transport him to one of our veterinary hospitals for a full examination. Whilst in our care, he also received a behaviour assessment. Bruce is in great health, good body condition, and shows no signs of mistreatment. Bruce was returned to his family on Friday, June 21, 2024, who missed him dearly.




An RSPCA NSW Inspector checked in on Bruce yesterday, June 25, 2024, to see how he was settling back in. Bruce was happily roaming freely in his backyard, enjoying the afternoon sun, and interacting with our Inspector.



RSPCA NSW is one of three authorised enforcement agencies under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979, the others being Animal Welfare League NSW and NSW Police. If there are concerns for an animal’s welfare, please report them to the authorities to investigate.

RSPCA NSW wants to remind the community that we do not condone social media harassment, doxing, or stealing someone’s pet. Furthermore, we ask our communities to please refrain from engaging in acts of vigilantism.